All The Ways We Support Our Community!
I'll bet that when you purchased that DVD (or book grab bag?) at Hazel's recently you had no idea how many areas of philanthropy you were supporting! Allow me to shed some light on what your hard earned dollar is funding:
The Auxiliary sponsors a Back to Work program (we provide clothing vouchers to SBC Workforce jobseekers) and distributes calendars and puzzles to nursing facility residents, scholarships to nursing students, handcrafted teddy bears to pediatric patients in Med Surg, ER, and ICU. We provide thrift shop vouchers to veterans and displaced members of our community.
Annually, the Thrift Shop joins the Hollister Chamber of Commerce in mailing holiday cards to military abroad -- over 30,000 cards were sent last fall! Also last year, we also aided the hospital by funding Health Stream training for employees, patient surveys, steriplex units, lab equipment, furniture for the Rehabilitation Department, and design costs for the lobby renovation.
Hazel's Thrift Shop regularly donates clothing to HHMH's Skilled Nursing Facilities and Emergency Department, eyeglasses to the Lion's Club, stuffed animals to Small Steps, and weekly donations of Thrift Shop cardboard benefit Community Pantry's recycling efforts (see below).
Above: Longtime volunteer John Rose's weekly Cardboard Collection with A Smile! Photo by Leanne Oliveira
The Book Nook at Hazel's Thrift Shop also donates children's books to the Women's Club, Small Steps Program, Emmaus House, various schools, and Chamberlain's Children Center. Adult books (particularly Large Print) are given to the hospital and our Skilled Nursing Facilities.
So, when you volunteer or shop at Hazel's, you really do see immediate results in our community! Stop by sometime.